Tag Archives: school


28 Mar

Hey friends. I know it’s been a long while. This semester has been getting the best of me. So, I’ll try to catch you guys up on what’s been happening since I last blogged.

Basically, I didn’t get into the nursing program at MU… again. And basically it sucks. But things happen for a reason and now I’ve just reevaluating my life and my future. Upon advising, I found out that I have about 2 semesters left until I complete my undergraduate degree if I switch to health sciences, an idea that is VERY APPEALING. This week, which is spring break, I visited my cousin. I just kind of opened up to her and explained what was going on. Mainly I just feel stuck in this rut and I’m so completely burnt out on school. If we’re being accurate, I’ve been burnt out since I graduated from high school. She suggested that I finish my degree as soon as possible and get the hell out of the Midwest. She said that if I’m having a “mid-life crisis” already in my early twenties, I need a change in my life because well the 20’s are where you find out who you are. You’re supposed to be living life, learning from mistakes, and not continually stressed out about what your future is going to be, and obviously that is not me. And I really have to agree. Lately, I just have been feeling kind of stuck, with school, with life, etc. I truly believe that nursing is what I want to do, but just not right now. My cousin said that if I am really feeling this way, I should take a break, because if I force it, I’m going to start hating it.

If everything works out/goes according to plan, I’ll hope to finish my bachelor’s in a year (possibly 1.5 years) and I’ll probably be moving to Boston (somewhere I’ve always wanted to go and it’s a place totally different from the Midwest), find a job out there and stay out there for a year/2 years/ x years, and eventually, maybe, move back to KC, because honestly I really do love KC. And somewhere in there I’ll probably see if I can get into a nursing program. I just need a break from what I’ve known. Of course a lot can happen in that time, so I guess we’ll just have to see what happens.

That being said, I still applied to CMU’s nursing program. They had talked it up, saying that people like me often get into their program, and if I get in, I’m not entirely sure if I will take it. My parents are going to be disappointed probably, but I just don’t want to force anything, you know? GOD, WHY IS LIFE IS SO HARD?

Anyway, other than that, Hy-Vee is becoming my 2nd home, reading the Divergent series is how I procrastinate my time, I’m currently obsessing over Theo James and Bastille, my grades are doing alright, and I am still loathing school. My spring break was cut short because I decided to work. And I spent one day working at the marina over break while I was home. I’m really excited to go back there actually, especially since most everyone I know will be there. That being said, summer will be here in a short 1.5 months, and I’m so EXCITED.

Thanks for reading/listening to me rant on about my life. Maybe you’ll hear from me again before the semester ends, but I can’t guarantee anything!

Peace out, girl scouts.


Hip Happenings.

20 Feb

On Saturday my dad and step-mom came to visit. We went to HV and they bought me groceries!! My cousin was working so we chatted with him for a bit and made plans to have dinner together later. We had a lot of free time after so my dad wanted to visit CMU just to see what the campus/school was like, in case I do end up going there. We got back into town at about 430 and went to Flat Branch to meet up with J and Gi. It was my second time going there but it was so delicious. I got the Flat Branch Burger which is topped with artichoke dip. My mouth is watering just thinking about it.

At the end of dinner, Gi handed me a CNY red envelope. It’s weird getting one from them because I always forget that they’re married now, and it’s customary once you’re married to give envelopes to those younger and aren’t married. I mean it’s nice to have a few extra bucks, but I feel bad taking it from them because well, it’s weird. No other way to explain it. Haha.

This week has been stressful. For the most part, days end with me coming home, getting some reading finished then falling asleep at like 10, then waking up at like midnight and realizing that I still have a butt ton of things to finish. As a result, I haven’t been able to watch much of the Olympics which make me sad. Take 17 credit hours, they said. It won’t be that bad, they said. I can already tell you I’m stressed out. And pathophysiology is not making it any better. But maybe I’m being melodramatic.

Checker training day 1 went well. It was mainly computer stuff that familiarized you with the system and different types of produce. And also the alcohol test, which I still haven’t passed yet because you have to get 100% and I kept getting 90s then the last time I took it I got a 70 and was about to break the computer screen. So I have to get that soon, or I won’t be able to check. Tomorrow I’m demo-ing and Sunday I think I actually get to check. Super nervous about that.

Next week is going to be hella busy again. And on Tuesday I’ll either want to cry in a hole or smile for the rest of the week, if you know what I mean. What’s meant to be is meant to be I guess.

Peace out, girl scouts.


PS. I’m going back to the marina this summer. Mixed feelings about this. 

Interview Woes.

8 Feb

Sorry for the late update! But the end of this week was kind of a busy one, even with the 2 snow days we got!

Yes lots of snow. And I had a lot of homework that had to be done.

Wednesday night Tristian and Jordan picked us up and we went out to celebrate Kendyl’s birthday. After failed attempts to find a place that was open and would let T and Jordan in, we finally decided to go to El Rancho where Kendyl was able to purchase her first legal Margarita. After that we went to Taco Bell. Haha.

Thursday I worked. After getting off rather late, I had a million things to do, like do laundry, pack to go home, practice what I was going to say in my nursing interview the next day, and sleep.

Friday morning, I woke up kind of later than I wanted to even after I set an alarm. After getting ready, I left the apartment with about 30 minutes until my interview thinking that’s more than sufficient. Little did I know that the Hernes bus was going to be late. With 15 minutes left until my interview I knew I was going to have to run to get to the nursing building on time. Did I mention that it felt like -10 degrees plus it was a little bit windy? Anyway I got to the nursing building with 5 minutes until my time, my nose was running, my face was frozen, and I was wheezing like nobody’s business. And the interviews were running about 5 minutes behind. Lovely.

The interview itself was pretty good I think. The interviewers were super nice, again. And I hope I answered the questions appropriately. I always think it’s going to be a lot worse than it actually is. Anyway, I have to wait another 2ish weeks before I will know. I hope I get in. So badly.


Okay well must get back to that homework now.

Peace out, girl scouts.


Busy Semester

30 Jan

Hey, friends. I apologize for being absent from the blog. I’m just finally getting settled into my routine.

Break was too short, as it always seems to be. I spent most of it watching Netflix, lounging, eating, and hanging out with you lot, of course. And I also learned to SKI. THAT WAS SO MUCH FUN. I also got a Tumblr, which was a bad idea because I already spend too much of my time on other forms of social media. Now this just further takes up my time and also feeds my unhealthy obsessions with Benedict Cumberbatch and the like.

School has been going smoothly. I’m taking classes at MU and Central Methodist. It’s kind of a long story but I’m at CMU so I can apply to their nursing school at the end of the semester. I’m currently at 17 credit hours, which is the most I have ever taken. However, the best part is that my classes don’t start until 11 and I have Fridays off!

I’m mainly taking electives at Mizzou because I’m waiting to get into nursing school. However, most of them are quite challenging and time consuming. Anyway I’m enrolled in Public Speaking, Intro to Art and Biology Lab at MU. I’m enrolled in 3 classes at CMU. Religion, Pathophysiology, and Literature. The later two are online and all 3 are prerequisites to apply for nursing at CMU.

My favorite classes so far are Public Speaking and Intro to Art. Both of my instructors (actually all of them) at MU are all Grad Students and they’re all pretty chill. I had to give a 3 minute speech the other day in Public Speaking and I’m pretty sure that was the worst 3 minutes of my life. I always get shaky and my face gets really hot (which probably means that it’s also super red) when I have to do something in front of a crowd. But I think I’m going to like that class because I get to write about what I want to talk about, not some analysis of a book that I didn’t want to read. My art class is 3 hours long, but it is definitely a nice stress reliever.

I’ve decided to cut back on hours at the good ol’ HV since I’m taking so many credits. I figured 10 is about good, but now I’m kind of regretting it because I really need money to pay for school/school things. But school is taking up a lot of time. It’s really a never ending cycle.

In terms of nursing school, I turned in my application on Monday. Interviews are next Friday. And in the midst of all of that, I already have a huge pile of projects and assignments to complete. Plus we’ve got birthdays to celebrate next week!! EEKKK!! We’re all getting so old! 😉

Peace out, girl scouts.


PS. HAPPY EARLY CHINESE NEW YEAR!! Not home for it this year unfortunately. #sadpanda

News and Nerves

29 Jan

It looks like none of you decided to/had time to blog this week but I have a little down time today so I will anyway.

This week has been very interesting. Being a student again and all. I finally got to go to Andy’s frozen custard on Friday night, thankfully. I needed it after four whole days of school. And I also needed Hurts Donuts on Sunday. By the way, I just realized this is my first five-day school week since about the first week of May. Yikes.

The past few days have had me kind of on-edge about various things. First of all, I had been trying to go back to where I was working last spring, and the manager had seemed like I could come back, no problem. Then he kind of told me that he wasn’t sure I’d get many hours because he’s hiring new people soon to replace everyone who’s leaving in May and they will get priority, so do I still want to come back? That kind of sucked but I said yes. So I went yesterday to fill out the paperwork to start working again. I was kind of nervous about that because I didn’t know if he would be mean or anything (he wasn’t). And he even wrote “15hr/week” on my paper. I’m starting again in a week and a half.

Then I had to go take a drug test. That made me a little nervous because I’m always afraid that a) I’ll make a mistake/do something wrong so it will mess up the results, b) that I’ll have “shy bladder”, or c) that for some reason it will say I’m on drugs when there’s absolutely no way it could be possible. I think it went okay though.

And while I was waiting for that, I got a message from my friend Jacy that our paper about Sandy Hook got accepted for the conference in Minneapolis that we sent it to, and we get to go! The thing that made me nervous about that, though, was that we took Kevin’s name off it even when our professor told us we shouldn’t (she didn’t reply to our email in time). So today I was nervous because we decided to go talk to her and ask what we should do and if she was mad at us for taking it off.

She wasn’t mad and she laughed instead and said she had a feeling we’d done that. But then she told us we have to face The Wrath Of Kevin on our own, which basically meant me because I have two classes with him where I sit right next to him. Shit. And I know that our two professors will probably announce to the class about our paper. Plus there will probably be a press release, a Comm department facebook post, and a story in the campus newspaper which Kevin writes for. So I don’t know, would it be better if I tell him before class one day before he has to hear it for the first time? Now I’m nervous about that. He can get defensive sometimes.

Well, on the bright side, Minneapolis!?


UPDATE 7:20pm: I talked to him in the Commons, and I told him that Jacy and I had continued working on the paper and we took his name off… he didn’t even seem upset! He even said “I knew I wouldn’t be able to put any more work into it” so it all worked out 🙂 I think I need a drink now though lols

Wrapping up

4 Dec

Well it’s my last week of real classes.

I’ve been moderately busy. Last week Derek, Megan, and Kendyl were here and we had so much fun. http://cathyinlondon2013.wordpress.com/2013/11/29/friends-in-london-3/ if you want to read more about it. Even though they didn’t have the smoothest trip home ever, I’m glad they’re back safe and sound now!


Since then, I’ve caught up on some sleep and done some souvenir shopping and some organizing. I threw away all the trash and things I don’t need, but my things seem to have multiplied since I got here. I’ve also found the suitcase I’m going to buy because I’ll definitely need an extra one.

It’s weird to think that in a week and a half, I’ll be leaving here. Then I’ll have a week in Germany which will be like a weird transitional limbo (in the best way possible) before I’m back home. I can’t believe I haven’t been home since before I went to Germany last time, and Italy, which seem like a very long time ago. So the fact that I left on August 12 seems like a long time ago but it also feels like I haven’t been gone for too long. Most of all I can’t believe that this experience that I’ve looked forward to for so long is coming to an end. That’s disheartening.

For example, what will there possibly be that’s worthy of Instagram-ing once I get home? No more Big Ben. No more Kensington Gardens or Regent’s Park sunsets or the commodity-crazed Oxford Street with its admittedly dazzling Christmas lights.

It seems kind of silly to think about Instagram but I actually think it’s a decent metaphor. Life at home will seem pretty ordinary after this extravagant experience. But I also know that I will have a new perspective on life at home and appreciate the simple things more. I’m really excited to see my family and see you guys again.

But I doubt I’ll ever have mimosas in class at 10:30am again like I did today 😉

Well, time to write my paper for George’s class.



20 Nov

TWO DAYS!! I’M SO EXCITED!! I’m excited to see double decker buses, hear actual British accents in their environment, eat fish&chips, go to Hogwarts, ride the tube, be reunited with Cathy, and for everything else!! If I see any famous British celebrities, I will probably die of happiness. But hopefully I get a picture with them first.

This past weekend was a hit and miss. I was very excited to hang out with my friends before we leave the states, and for the most part it was great and I had a great time! But every party has a pooper, and we didn’t realize it until after it was over. I have never been more grateful for my friends that are always there for me (even when some are not physically near me!). Special shout out to 2 specific bros. I’m so sorry for putting you guys in that situation. I cannot imagine how horrific those hours must have been. :/

I spent the next few days going through phases of frustration, disappointment, depression, denial, and rage. Sunday night, with some convincing from Emily, I spent 2 hours writing letter calling him out before bed. Monday I went through a spell of complete rage and had to get out of Columbia. I sped down to Jeff City with the windows down and Lorde’s album blaring through the stereo. It was a nice day so I decided to walk around the area for a bit. When I got back, I spent another 2ish hours revising the letter. Then I spent an hour trying to convince myself that the best thing to do was to push send. Eventually I did. It felt so good to tell someone how I really felt instead of bottling it up and letting it eventually eat me alive, which is what I normally do. Please just be honest and don’t be a total douche, that’s all I ask. I feel like I’m doing better now, but still a little hurt.

Sunday was the last time I got to work in the deli at HV. The reason I got to work there in the first place was because they were in the process of getting a new manager (who makes the schedule for the department) so the HR manager was in charge of scheduling. She also makes the cashier/courtesy schedules too, so she was able to get me in on a few shifts. But since they have a manager now, I probably won’t be scheduled anymore. Anyway, I used the slicer so many times, and all by myself! I’m pretty much a pro now. Also I got to work with Goron. His family is from Serbia (meaning he’s a fan of Djokovic, better than Nadal I say) but pretty sure he’s 100% American. He reminds me of Nathan from the marina. Their personalities are the same, meaning they both like beer, like to party, are semi-racist/sexist, and always make fun of me for being Asian/short/”sucking at my job”/etc., and he’s a pretty funny guy. I’m going to miss the deli.

Today I worked at HV again. The worst part of today was having to get carts… IN THE RAIN. Plus it was freezing and I could see my breath. It was not cool. Also the dining room was short of bussers, so I spent 2 hours bussing tables. That was interesting. And I ate lunch with my cousin, J, since we both happened to take our breaks at the same time. It was nice to catch up, even though it was a bit querd. LOL. I work again tomorrow, but I’m not sure if I would have time to blog since we’re going home after I get off work, thus me blogging today. Then Friday, we’ll be going to the airport… TO GO TO LONDON. WHAT!!?!! Can’t believe pretty much here! Dang… that means I have to pack.

Peace out, girl scouts.

PS. Sorry for this extremely long post. I guess I had more to say than I thought! Props if you made it to the end! 🙂

Don’t Cry Over Spilt Tiramisu.

12 Nov

“Don’t cry over spilt milk” doesn’t make sense to me because I don’t drink milk, but “don’t cry over spilt tiramisu” does because I have cried over spilt tiramisu. I’m not necessarily proud of it, but I’m definitely not ashamed. I spent 3 hours beautifully crafty this tiramisu, I even made the pound cake form scratch, and when I was dusting the top with cocoa powder I spilt almost all of it in the sink. So yes I cried, but I think the real moral of this story is that its ok to cry over something that you spent a lot of time on/tried really hard on/cared a great deal about that didn’t go your way, however the key is to not keep on crying. So I guess what I’m really trying to say is don’t cry more than once over spilt tiramisu. I just think this is a good analogy for life.

I would like it to be known that this is the third week in a row I have blogged. SHOCKING, I KNOW.

This weekend we went up to the farm to visit my Grandma and Uncle. We got there Friday evening and had dinner. While eating I dropped food on myself (surprise surprise) and was subsequently asked if I was dating anyone… Clearly No. Lol.

Saturday I woke up pretty early (for a Saturday at least) and went outside and walked around. My mom was putting some rocks in a flowerbed so I helped a little with that, road the four-wheeler, harassed the cows, played with the BB kitties, and took some pictures. After lunch I took a substantial nap during the Mizzou game, which they won! When I woke up I went outside and did some more of the previous stated activities and after dinner we drove back home.

Sunday I slept in (hooray!) and went with Gentry to run a few errands. We ended up going to Target twice, the mall, and Taco Bell. I mainly got mini-shampoos and things for LONDON 2013 (#10days). We then went to my Grandma’s house for Sunday night dinner.

10 Library shifts, 5 tests, 5 quizzes, 2 Lab reports, and 1 paper until the end of the semester!

Keep it Classy.


P.S. This post is extremely random… just like my thought process.

P.P.S. Here’s a thing I found on Buzzfeed that I liked… I’m getting good at the whole angst-y 20 year old thing.

Hot Commodities.

5 Nov

I signed up for my classes yesterday and my schedule doesn’t seem too bad. I won’t have classes on Friday and very minimal classes Monday-Thursday because I’m taking all of my health science classes (7 credits) online.

Friday I drove home with Tristan so I could play in my last two indoor soccer games and Tristan even played (lol). Then after the games Megan and Derek came over and we ate pizza and Megan finished learning how to ride her bike! It was pretty cold so we got blankets and watched Megan conquer the art of bike riding under the stars (which might I add were really bright that evening).

Saturday I slept in because it was the first Saturday in forever that I wasn’t working! Then my mom took me to the post office to get international stamps because like I said in an earlier post stamps are a hot commodity. After that we picked up Tristan from home and took him to get a shot at CVS so he doesn’t get dirty dorm room diseases. After that we went to visit my Grandma since I wasn’t going to be able to go to her house for Sunday dinner. At about 3 we headed back to Columbia so we could go to the Mizzou Football game because Tristan had gotten me a ticket from his friend Jordan. We sat on a blacket in the grassy section behind the endzone and they won 31-3 Yiphee!

Sunday was relaxation/cleaning/homework/Chiefs are 9-0 day!!!

This weekend we are planning on going up to the farm because I won’t be able to over Thanksgiving break. I’ll be sure to take some photos of some quality Laughlin Angus cows for you guys.

P.S. I graduate in a little over a year and a month… SCARY.

P.P.S. I’m not even old enough to drink a fucking beer (lol Tristan #wombies)

P.P.P.S. Three hour saga 🙂

Blogging on the Wrong Day. YOLO.

25 Oct

Sorry for my lack of blogging. I’ve just kind of lost all motivation to do anything this semester. I’ve skipped so many of my 8am lectures. Since the last test, there have been a total of 6 lectures. I’ve only made it to one. And going to tomorrow’s lecture is questionable as of right now. It’s just easier to push snooze until it’s too late to get up, then you just sleep for another hour. But it’s kinda bad because out of all my classes, this is probably the class that I shouldn’t be skipping. Meh.

HV is going well so far. I’ve mainly been in the deli making sammies and packaging meats and cheese this week. It’s not too bad. Last week I was up front sacking groceries and pushing carts. I hate pushing carts, mainly because I’m scared a cart is going to go astray and hit some Benz and also because you have to have a lot of muscle to do that job effectively, which is most definitely not me. I mentioned this before but I prefer working in the deli. It’s probably because it’s not as strict, probably because they don’t really have a manager right now. But you also get to do a variety of things, not just sack groceries. But I guess both departments have their pros and cons.

Last week me Derek and Emily went to the Halloweenie Roast and saw Crystal Fighters, The Colourist, The 1975, Portugal. The Man, and The Naked and The Famous. It was an awesome line up and I definitely had a good time, being 21 and all. 😉

This weekend is the last weekend we’re working at the marina since the rental season will be over on Halloween (HOW IS IT ALREADY THE END OF OCTOBER?!). Since it’s gotten colder, we really haven’t had much business, which is totally understandable. So it’s kind of been just like a bunch of broskis hanging out and getting paid for it. Not too bad. But I’m a little bit sad because I did enjoy going home every weekend and sleeping in my own bed and seeing my mom. That being said, I’m going to like not having to drive back and forth every weekend, it gets a little mundane after a while.

Also note-worthy—I learned how to ride a bike last weekend (Yes I know, it’s embarrassing. But at least I know how to now!) and got a lot of bruises on my legs because of it. Also I learned without having to be pushed down a hill. Just a side-note.

And 28 DAYS UNTIL LONDON. WHAT!!! I still remember purchasing the plane tickets this summer when the countdown was in the 90s. It’s crazy to think that it’s almost here!! But I’m so excited!!

Also new J.R. developments, we’ll see where that goes. That’s all I can say about that.

Peace out, girl scouts.

That Deli Life

10 Oct

Today was my 3rd day overall at HV.  The past two days, I’ve been working in the deli at HV. And being completely honest, I think I like it better at the deli, but I guess I don’t really have too much to go on. There’s just a lot more things to do in the deli. And not everything is “bitch work” because you’re new, which I kind of feel like that’s how it mostly is up front.

Yesterday I was trained, made hummus, made lots of sandwiches, and bagged lots of meats and cheese for customers. Today I did all afore-mentioned, minus the hummus, plus used the meat slicer. That was pretty interesting. My favorite thing to do in the deli though is probably use the sicker machine. You just punch in some numbers for the product, then BAM! It spits out the sticker label then you stick that on the product. Call me lame, don’t care.

Yesterday my cousin who works at HV came to get a sandwich. I don’t think he knew I had started working because he was surprised to see me, and I was kind of surprised to see him. But it was all exciting.

Most of the people I’ve been working with have been pretty cool and chill. I guess there isn’t a manager as of right now in the deli, so everything is pretty laxed. Also today, I accidentally used “suppes tired” in front of my new co-works and was judged hard core. LOL. After that happened, I basically said all of the abbreves I use. Probs, whateves, etc. but it’s cool though because they make fun of me too. Somethings never change. Haha.

Other than working at the deli, my week has been super stressful. I had two tests this week—one in my hardest class, the other in my easiest class. I stayed up really late for the first half of the week studying for the hardest test. Then after that I kind of was just like meh, but I think the second test turned out to be okay, so no worries there.

If I’m being completely honest, it’s been one of those weeks where it just sucks. I wish I could that things were better, but I can’t. Sometimes things happen, and maybe it happened for a reason, but it was a punch to the gut. I wanted it, but I don’t think I realized how much I desperately and whole-heartily wanted it until I was told I couldn’t have it. So now I’m basically back to square one. I just don’t know where I’m headed or what’s ahead. And every time I think about having to think about what I should do next, I just don’t want to think about it. You get me? I hate facing this reality. I hope things get better from here, because it sucks, guys. I guess it’s just one of those obstacles in life, huh?

Peace out, girl scouts.

PS. S/O to Ben Rector and Lorde for getting me this week. Your guy’s music is awesome opossum.
PPS. 42 days to london
PPPS. I posted this with one minute left in Thursday. WHUT UP.

Good Lorde. I’m finally employed!

26 Sep

On Saturday we went to the Plaza Art Fair. We probably spent more time looking for a parking spot than we did actually looking at art. But in all honesty, it was pretty cool, like a classier SCG. What was cooler were the dogs everyone had brought with them. Some were so TINY and SO CUTE!! After we walked around for 30ish minutes, we were all starved, so we went to Oklahoma Joe’s. Can’t go wrong with a Z-Man.

My uncle from HK/NZ is in town to visit for two months, so on Sunday we had a HUGE family dinner. There were so many aswans in my house, and so much yum-yum in my tum-tums. I hope my mom continues these huge family dinners for the next few weeks because that’s when she cooks the really good stuff.

Also, as of yesterday at 3pm, I am officially employed at the local HV, guys. How cool is that?! Well it’s probably not that cool. I had to sit through a 3.5 hour orientation complete with 2 videos, lots of paper work, and a tour of the store. I’m actually kind of sort of excited to start, mainly for the paycheck though.  Next week I have sacker training. LOL. I’ll let you know how that goes.

Also yesterday, I got an email from my advisor with the subject line of “School of Nursing” that was marked with high importance by the little red exclamation mark. I avoided opening it until after my orientation at HV, because I wasn’t sure if I was going to be an emotional wreck. After putting it off, I get back and try to open it only for the infamous Hyde Park WiFi to be an enormous pile of you-know-what. Finally after what felt like a year the wifi worked long enough for me to open it. She was just letting everyone know that the School of Nursing’s phones were down and that they were trying to get the fixed asap. Yep. I was pissed. And I freaked out for nothing. Now I have to wait some more…

Tomorrow is BuzzBeachball. And I am SO excited. AHH!!

Also Lorde’s new album isn’t out yet but it’ streaming here, and it is soooooooooo AWESOME. I am literally obsessed with her and her new single Team. I have listened to it probably close to a bajillion times. Okay just kidding, I’m not even sure I know how much a bajillion is, but you get the idea.

Peace out, girl scouts.

Interview and Stuff.

19 Sep

Hey friends!

Thursday night/Friday in general was just a horribly stressful day(s). I had stayed up all night studying for my Physiology test. I took the test at 8am on Friday and was pretty confident I missed more than half of the questions (thankfully that wasn’t so). On Friday as well, I had my nursing interview.

I didn’t get a chance to nap after my test because well, I forgot that I needed to wear pantyhose since I was wearing a skirt to my interview, so I had to go shopping. I hate pantyhose. Anyway I got pantyhose, then came back home, practiced some of the things I was planning on saying so I’d be prepared, and then I had to get ready.

I got to the Nursing building about 15 minutes ahead of time and waited in the waiting room along with about 8 or so other girls. Frankenweenie was playing on the projector but I couldn’t pay attention to the movie for very long because I was so nervous, but there was pretty much constant activity of people coming back in from their interview or leaving for their interview, so that made it hard to focus, too. Then they called my name.

Once I sat down in the interview room, I could feel the adrenaline pumping through my veins and my heart beating out of my chest, not to mention sweaty palms. Yikes. But overall I think the interview went pretty well, especially after the first few minutes, and it was less intimidating than I thought it was going to be. I think it’s because I knew what I was going to say and how I was going to say it, and I knew what I wanted and why I wanted it. But I guess that’s from my own perspective, so we’ll have to see in a few weeks how everything turned out. *fingers crossed*

After the interview I drove back HOME-home and took a nap before I went to watch Kens and Derk’s indoor soccer game at SportsCity. Their team won!

I forgot to mention in my post last week that I had an encounter with Anthony! Some of you already knew this, but for those that didn’t, me and Kens had to drop something off at Derek’s before we left for CoMo on Sunday night. I took the back roads out which takes you out past BYB. As we drove by we saw his “bra-car” and we freaked out together and decided to drive by the drive-through window to see if he was working. He was. Long story short, we left to get gas, I was regretting not stopping to say something, we turned back around, went through the drive through, got waffle fries, and asked the cashier at the window if we could talk to Anthony. LOL. He came to the window and that conversation lasted a good 5 minutes or so. YOLO.

Peace out, girl scouts!


Rest in Pieces Venus Flytrap.

17 Sep

The last couple weeks have gone by incredibly fast, probably due to the fact that I have Zero free time.

My weekly schedule looks something like this:


8:00-8:50 Physiology (when I choose to get out of bed)

9:00-9:50 Math (where I spend 50 minutes trying to figure out what the hell my teacher is saying)

11:00-3:00 Work in the library (shelvin’ books makin’ paper)

3:30-4:45 Health Science 4300 (where I use every ounce of energy I have to try and stay awake, but usually fail)

Then I get home and due homework until I go to sleep.


Tuesday is Mecca. Except for the fact that Tuesday has become do a F ton of homework day. Either way I still get to sleep in 😉

Wednesday: The same as Monday.


8:30-11:30 Physiology lab (where we do the lab in 5 minutes, but spend 2 hours deciphering what the background information means)

12:00-2:00 Work in the library

Then go home and do homework.


8:00-8:50 Physiology

9:00-9:50 Math

Then right after drive to blue springs.

12:00-6:00 Work at the marina

I also work 8 hours on Saturday and Sunday, but at least I have a little free time. Even though it makes my life crazy, I really like going home on the weekends because I get to spend time with mi familia. On Sundays we always go over to my Grandma’s house with my aunts, uncles, and cousins and eat dinner, which is nice. This week we found six kittens living under the ramp in her front yard (brb dying because of the cuteness).

The other day I had a dream that I was bald on half of my head and some of my friends from Jewell were in it. I had remembered from the movie The Giant Mechanical Man (which is really good) that Jenna Fischer’s character had dreams about losing her teeth so I figured those probably had similar meanings. Anyway, basically what my dream is telling me is that I don’t have any idea of what I’m doing with my life, which is pretty accurate.

I think Derek and I have had very similar thought processes when thinking about what we want to do with our lives, except mine involve less action sports and more cupcakes. Right now I am considering becoming an Au Pair after I graduate, but I seem to change my mind every 3 days, so we’ll see if this actually sticks.

Keep it Classy.


P.S. Sorry for this insanely boring post.

P.P.S. My Venus flytrap is almost completely dead and I don’t understand because I water it all the time. I am very distraught about this.

P.P.P.S. I have been listening to a lot of San Cisco lately and I really like the song Wetsuit by the Vaccines. You should check them out.


12 Sep

One day until my interview. AHHHHHHHHHH. I have not been able to stop thinking about this for the past few days. NERVES, NERVES, NERVES. :/

Also 70 days until London. WHAT?!  But I’m getting so excited!!

Speaking of London, last night I had a dream that Kendyl and I were eating Subway sandwiches on the London Bridge. That was pretty interesting.

Coincidentally I had Subway for lunch today. It’s SUBtember, so all foot long subs are FIVE DOLLARS! Five! Five Dollar! Five Dollar FOOT LOOOOONGS! It’s okay to admit that you sang the theme song of Subway in your head. I did it too as I was typing it out.

I also got an A on my first test of the semester. So that was a nice way to start out the semester. And today I took the first test for my music appreciation class. In our last class, our professor printed out an outline/study guide for us then proceeded to tell us we could write whatever we wanted on that sheet and use it on the test. So I think it went pretty well. The professor for that class is sarcastic and a pretty funny guy. Which is probably why he reminds me an awful lot of Mr. Ralston. But maybe it’s because they both teach/taught music appreciation… Haha!

Also White Russians are really tasty, but highly caloric and are probably not good for aswans to consume a lot of.

Also, tonight/tomorrow is pay day. WHOOT.

Anyway, must get back to studying for the physiology test tomorrow.

Peace out, girl scouts.

Short Post, Yo.

5 Sep

Alright guys, I’m going to make this short and sweet because I have a lot of other stuff I need to be doing.

Labor Day weekend was pretty much the worst because I basically worked all weekend, which will be nice on my wallet. Me, Kendyl and Derek also went to Santa Cali Gon on Saturday for like 30 minutes because there were way too many people there… and it was also super hot. Unfortunately I did not get my chocolate chip cookie ice cream sandwich because apparently their booth moved?!! But we did get to see some clay flowers so that was nice.  

This week I turned in my nursing application. That’s 1/3 of the process. Next is the nursing interview, which is next Friday. AHHHHH!!! Yesterday I had a mock nursing interview and it went pretty well. The interviewer said that I did really well, so that gives me a little bit of a confidence boost, but I still need to practice practice practice! Also yesterday I bought tickets to 965’s Halloweenie Roast. I’m super excited to see The Naked and the Famous and The 1975. Derek is coming with and maybe Kendyl…??!! But other than that, nothing that exciting has been happening, except for me studying/doing homework/napping a lot. Next week I have three tests and of course the nursing interview and I will hopefully be orientated at Hy-Vee by then. Hopefully.

Also this week, I finally got a belated birthday card from my cousin in the mail. It was a One Direction card that folds out to be a mini One Direction poster. She’s the greatest.

Peace out, girl scouts.

PS. If Tristan doesn’t start blogging, I’m going to take Wednesdays, because Thursdays are usually a little bit busier for me compared to Wednesdays. 

Me and Harry Potter Are Starting Classes on the Same Day

31 Aug

Hello everyone, Cathy here reporting from London freaking England. My day for blogging this semester is theoretically Friday because Tristan took my normal day of Wednesday but he has yet to blog so I might reclaim it. Actually it’s already Sunday here but whatever, this is like the first time I’ve had any time to myself so I’m just gonna blog late this time.

Earlier I wrote a ton of stuff for my travel blog, and I decided I’m probably always gonna just go ahead and post a link to it if I think it’s interesting. That way I don’t have to say everything twice but also I can make that one more thorough, and if you’re really interested you can read it as a supplement to this one. Also I decided I’m going to say some things on this one that I might not necessarily want to share with the whole social media world since I’m posting that one to Facebook and Twitter. Here is a safe place to talk, even though half of our moms read this (lol).

Well, London is off to a great start. Everyone is really nice and it seems easy to make friends. I’ve been hanging out a lot with my roommates, Hanna and Megan, who are also from Drury, and getting to know them. I love living with them so far and we laugh sooooo much. Our beds are in a little row and it kind of feels like one giant slumber party. Every morning we wake up at the same time and immediately just start talking. Also, we all wear the same shirt and shoe size so we have been sharing a lot of things. It would appear that one of them has no qualms about being completely naked in front of us. Our RA told our floor that we should write our name on the outside of our door so people know where we live, and we had the idea to take a funny Awkward Family Photo or something and put it out there, so I hope we eventually do that. I think I’m going to have a really fun semester with them and I think we will be really good friends for a long time.

Megan, me, Hanna

Megan, me, and Hanna tonight at a pub called The Volunteer

We’ve gone out the past three nights with a lot of other students from Regent’s. We also hang out with the only boy from Drury and about 7 or 8 other people we met. Two nights ago, we were at a huge bar over near Piccadilly Circus (which is kind of like TImes Square) that had like four floors. One guy in our group met some English guy in the bathroom and introduced him to all of us. He and one of the girls started talking a lot and ended up talking for the most of the night. They kissed when we were about to leave, and they talked a little more, and guess what? She found out he was 30 years old. So she has an interesting story to tell about her second night in London.

One of the funniest things about being here are the super basic phones that we bought so that we can keep in touch with each other or use in an emergency. Everyone has iPhones which work great as long as you have Wifi, which a lot of places do, but you still can’t call. I bought this phone for 25 pounds – the phone cost 5 and I got 20 pounds of calling credit. Me and Hanna kind of love these phones. We get so excited when we get a message and we only have like 4 contacts each. It has this really basic Bejeweled game on it and we laughed really hard this morning when Hanna said, “I’m going to play Bejeweled for a while and then I’m going to take a shower.”


Other than a lot of orientation activities, I’ve really had a chance to use the Tube (Underground/subway) a lot and learn how to use it effectively. It’s pretty fun and not that difficult to figure out. I also finally got to see a lot of the good sights and do a little shopping for necessities like towels and alcohol (just kidding on that.) I’m trying soooo hard to save my money but in this first week it goes so fast because there are so many things you have to pay for, like a prepaid card for the Tube, a boat party/booze cruise, and toothpaste. The food at the cafeteria is okay. I feel like I do a lot more walking than eating substantial food so I will probably be pissed if I don’t lose any weight this semester.

I start classes on Monday, September 2nd, which I don’t know what supplies I need or even where the classes are at so hopefully I find that out sometime. I realized that Harry Potter and I are starting classes on the same day. In the book he always went back Hogwarts on September 1st and then school started the next day. We’re such twins because I’m in England too and King’s Cross Station is right here in London. I kind of feel like my school is a little bit Hogwarts. I need to go to Platform 9 3/4 soon. And do laundry, but not at Platform 9 3/4.

I’m gonna leave it at that for now, check out my other blog at http://cathyinlondon2013.wordpress.com if you want to read in detail about my Germany-Italy trip and more about London!


P.S. I just keep getting so excited when I think about you guys coming to visit and us riding the Tube together and going to all my favorite places that I haven’t discovered yet.

Omelets, Work, and One Direction

29 Aug

Well there’s probably a list of about 15 things I should be doing right now, but I’m for sure not doing any of them. So that’s that.

This week has been pretty mediocre for the most part. I worked what seemed to be like a million hours this weekend. Call me crazy, yes, but my paycheck will be so awesome, hopefully. And this weekend I’m doing it all over again.

Yesterday I attempted to cook (something other than ramen, cookies or pancakes from the box) for myself for the first time ever in my life. I made tomato, green pepper, and cheese omelets. And they turned out pretty tasty! I had actually YouTubed videos on how to cook omelets before hand. HAHA. But I’m not going to lie, I did have a slight fear I was going to burn down our apartment complex. Luckily that did not happen.  I’m going to try to cook more this often this semester, but we’ll see how that actually turns out. Anyway here’s the end result of one of the omelets. Not the greatest looking omelet, but my tummy was happy!


T-minus 5 days until the most important day thus far in my life. I am so so so so so nervous and ridiculously stressed. I’ve revised my résumé pretty much every day this week, and I had the tutoring center look over it every day as well. After we turn in applications, there’s one week until interviews. Then the following week we will know if we made it in or not. It’s all happening so fast, and I just keep freaking out and stressing out. AHHHH!

Also the One Direction movie comes out tomorrow and I probably won’t get to see it without having to pay 9 dollars because of my work schedule. That’s depressing. I mean I love One Direction, but I’m not rich enough to love them for 9-13 dollars. You know what I mean? Does that sound bad?

And also SANTACALIGON! “Clay flowers, all flowers made of clay.” And chocolate chip cookie ice cream sandwiches. I can’t wait.

That’s all I got for this week.
Have a relaxing Labor Day weekend!


PS. If you haven’t seen the trailer for One Direction’s movie, shame on you.

Back to School

26 Aug

Hello everyone, now that summer break is over we are all slowly getting back into the routine of blogging every week.

I came back from my 5 month vacation snowboarding in Colorado in late march after I tore my medial meniscus snowboarding, I then started off my summer with knee surgery in May. I am working on a lake at the marina again with Kendyl and Megan. I spent the summer working, longboarding, mountain biking, rock climbing, and chilling to quickly sum it up.

I am currently taking 2 classes’ speech and math at the local community college before I get back into being a fulltime student next semester. Why just 2 classes?

1. I started paying my student loans last December and they suck and I am broke. So I decided to make myself temporarily even more broke by paying for my classes this semester in cash to avoid more loans and I could only afford two.

2. I am taking the last of my general education classes which means I need to declare a major so I know what classes to take next. This is a problem because I have no idea what the hell I want to do the rest of my life.

I really did not want to go back to college simply because I want to do too many different things, and several times I almost hit the abort button. Since coming back in March I considered, looked into, or almost did all of the following before ultimately going back to school.

  1. Joining the Air force
  2. Joining the navy
  3. Moving to Seattle (Had a job offer)
  4. Going back to Colorado (Had a Job offer)
  5. Peace corps (I filled out the first page of the application)
  6. Working in Alaska (Friend asked me to work there with him)
  7. Working in New Zealand (Friend ask me to work there with him)
  8. Working in California
  9. Without telling anyone emptying my bank account and leaving to travel the country
  10. Winning the Lottery
  11. Conservation corps abroad
  12. Starting a Company (Had partners and a business plan)
  13. Buying a one way ticket to Costa Rica to surf and live on a beach for a few years

Ultimately I went back to school which was probably the best choice but I still have no idea what career path I want to take. I wish traveling the world with friends and having fun was the description of a decent paying job because that’s all I want to do (I’m pumped for London in November).

Also this winter I will probably work as a snowboard instructor at our local ski area, I am pretty excited to spend a second straight winter working on a snowboard.

PS. Community college sucks

Peace, Love, and Happiness

Live A Little


A New Year

22 Aug

Hey everyone! I guess I will be the first to blog for this new school year!

I really can’t believe how fast summer went by. It was for sure a memorable one that included my 21st birthday, lots of ½ price shakes at Sonic, and lots of working at the Yak-co-mo Marina.

Summer technically ended last Saturday. That was the day Kendyl and I moved into our new apartment which is super nice. I don’t have pictures yet because our place is still a work in process. Anyway after we settled in we had a few hours to rest before free The Neighbourhood concert, which Derek came down to visit for. They weren’t the best band I’ve seen live, but still I saw them live. Also that night, Dan from 69 knocked on our door to introduce himself. It was a bit querd, but it was nice… LAWLS.

Classes started on Monday and waking up for my 8am class was rough, even though I had already been doing it all summer for work. I think it was because I knew that I had to sit in class. Currently I’m enrolled in Human Phys, Stats, Masterpieces of Western Music and Professional Nursing. I probably can already tell you that my favorite class is going to be the music appreciation class because it’s pretty easy and it’s a topic that I enjoy. It also should be noted that there are soooooooo many Asians in my music appreciation class. And I can already tell you that I’m going to hate Stats because well, I hate math, and also because of that stupid math class I had to take during the summer. I HATE MATH SO MUCH.

Tuesday I had an interview at the local Hy-Vee. I got a call back today and well… I’m going to be a helpful smile in every isle, starting as a courtesy clerk and hopefully moving up to cashier. Weeeeeeeeeeeeee!!

Nursing applications are due in about 1 ½ weeks and I’m getting so so so so nervous. Prayers, good luck wishes, good vibes, or all of the above would be appreciated. I am trying to keep a positive mind for this obstacle in my life, but sometimes I just don’t know, you know? To be completely honest, I’m not even for sure what the next year is going to look like. Wahhhhhh.

Also this weekend (and probably for the next lots of weekends), Kendyl and I will be heading back to work at Lake Yak-co-mo, since they are short staffed. That’s a good thing though because I left a lot of things at home. Typical.
