
7 Mar

To be honest, this week has been subpar. Since I last blogged, I have spent the majority of my time studying for the microbiology test I took on Tuesday and watching Scrubs on Netflix. That show is hilarious and I have no idea why I am just now watching it for the first time!!

Anyway, I always seem to freak out about tests more than I should. This micro test was no different. It did cover a lot of information and I probably should have started studying a lot sooner than I did (which was about 5 days in advance). Antibiotics kicked my butt. And a lot of the different types of diarrhea had a lot of the same symptoms and were easily confusable. Also it was hard to study the STI because the notes had very graphic pictures. TMI. Sorry. Lol. But my test grade ended up being quite satisfactory, which was a lot better than I thought I would do.

Also this week, I kind of had a mini pre-midlife crisis. And actually it can probably be attributed to preparing for this micro test. Heck, it might even be the sophomore slump. But I think I just got super stressed with so many things coming at me at once along with the own pressures I was putting on myself, with parental pressures, and even lack of sleep. I just wasn’t sure if school was what I wanted, if it was worth all the stress, the money, or the hours spent studying. And I wasn’t sure if I was truly cut out for college or if I was even truly good at school to begin with. I was even questioning my reasoning for wanting to major in nursing. And I really was not sure I wanted to continue my higher education.

But honestly, finishing college is on my bucket list. Realistically I would like to accomplish it sooner rather than later (no offense to those who are doing it later rather than sooner). And honestly, I really can’t wait to be done with schooling and actually have a purpose for my life, as nerdy/cliché as that sounds. Right now that idea seems so daunting and so far away, mainly because I still have so much crap to do, like apply to nursing school, actually get accepted, pass all the requirements and actually graduate (Yikes!), but I feel like it’s something that will eventually be worth it in the end, and I really am excited for that.


11 Responses to “Honestly”

  1. JabberJ March 7, 2013 at 10:32 pm #

    “You have four years to be irresponsible here. Relax. Work is for people with jobs. You’ll never remember class time, but you’ll remember time you wasted hanging out with your friends. So, stay out late. Go out on a Tuesday with your friends when you have a paper due Wednesday. Spend money you don’t have. Drink ’til sunrise. The work never ends, but college does…”- Tom Petty
    Now, I am not recommending all of the above, but the idea is it is ok to do dumb stuff and to have fun. College is worth the money, the experience is priceless. I am also a nursing major and know the horrors/joys of micro and all other things nursing. Know that we all (nursing majors) go through stuff like this on a daily basis and its ok to feel that way, it is probably the most stressful major EVER. But, at the same time I can’t think of a more satisfying career. If you ever need to vent, feel free and I will be more than happy to provide some moral support.

    • Megan March 7, 2013 at 11:49 pm #

      haha! i couldn’t agree with you more. thanks for your comment and support!

  2. getaterr March 8, 2013 at 7:31 am #

    We all feel that way sometimes…but now I’m graduating…and scared and excited at the same time to be leaving! Enjoy the journey to graduation- they are some of the most important ones (and fun ; )

  3. ladyphoenix74 March 8, 2013 at 9:06 am #

    I love Scrubs! ❤

    • Megan March 9, 2013 at 12:35 pm #

      it’s so hilarious!!

  4. markharwoodwriter March 8, 2013 at 4:02 pm #

    After earning my BA, I still for a time lived near my university. Sometimes when I’d grocery shop it’d be easiest to cut through campus. As I walked past the student library, I’d gaze up at its big windows and see all those earnest faces and I’d miss college. Thank you for killing that sentiment 🙂 Great post, sir!

  5. Sha March 9, 2013 at 12:40 am #

    This maybe overused but YOLO! I also went through those do-I-really-want-to-continue-this situation. Honestly, after my first two years in Engineering at the University, i thought, do i really want this? And realized that the answer is NO.. my parents, of course, wanted me to finish it but I really didn’t like it anymore. So i unleashed *lol* my badass side and dropped out of Uni and transferred to a film college. It was a big issue for my parents at first but they got over it and now they’re supporting me. I didn’t have regrets in doing it cause i’m happy. so, you go girl! you can do it!

    i remembered taking microbiology when I was still an Eng’g student. I can relate to that diarrhea stuff right there. lol

    btw, thanks for liking one of my posts. 🙂

  6. dnk8n March 10, 2013 at 5:46 am #

    I’m a Civil Engineering student in the UK. I’ve had such difficulties at university. I’m in my final masters year after a lot of struggle (and the slightly depressing thing is I’ll turn 25 soon after graduation).

    But life happens between it all so it’s really not a problem. Keep at education if it’s something you want to do but don’t make the graduation part of it your goal in life. Instead, your bucket list should be about enjoying what you do while studying. Most often you have to enjoy something before you become a master of it. The whole point is that you have a driving passion. And often to enjoy something is actually a choice. If you think positively about something and reassure yourself that you are enjoying it, chances are you will!

    The funny thing is that after all these years I always thought I wanted to go into structural engineering which is what kept me working away at it. But suddenly I don’t even know anymore. I’m going to go travelling and pick up some skills in the things I want to. Soak up life a bit without having any pressure to succeed. One thing I am recently very passionate about is programming so I may even do my own thing once mastering it.

  7. 1annecasey March 12, 2013 at 12:28 am #

    Love the ‘mini pre-midlife crisis’!

  8. raymondarthur March 26, 2013 at 7:06 am #

    Keep pushing. You got this! 🙂


  1. Enjoyment | My World - March 10, 2013

    […] recently commented on a post talking about looking forward to graduating and questioning whether further education really was the right thing t… Since I can really relate to the problem I decided to include what I said into my own blog post, […]

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