Tag Archives: Venus Flytrap

Rest in Pieces Venus Flytrap.

17 Sep

The last couple weeks have gone by incredibly fast, probably due to the fact that I have Zero free time.

My weekly schedule looks something like this:


8:00-8:50 Physiology (when I choose to get out of bed)

9:00-9:50 Math (where I spend 50 minutes trying to figure out what the hell my teacher is saying)

11:00-3:00 Work in the library (shelvin’ books makin’ paper)

3:30-4:45 Health Science 4300 (where I use every ounce of energy I have to try and stay awake, but usually fail)

Then I get home and due homework until I go to sleep.


Tuesday is Mecca. Except for the fact that Tuesday has become do a F ton of homework day. Either way I still get to sleep in 😉

Wednesday: The same as Monday.


8:30-11:30 Physiology lab (where we do the lab in 5 minutes, but spend 2 hours deciphering what the background information means)

12:00-2:00 Work in the library

Then go home and do homework.


8:00-8:50 Physiology

9:00-9:50 Math

Then right after drive to blue springs.

12:00-6:00 Work at the marina

I also work 8 hours on Saturday and Sunday, but at least I have a little free time. Even though it makes my life crazy, I really like going home on the weekends because I get to spend time with mi familia. On Sundays we always go over to my Grandma’s house with my aunts, uncles, and cousins and eat dinner, which is nice. This week we found six kittens living under the ramp in her front yard (brb dying because of the cuteness).

The other day I had a dream that I was bald on half of my head and some of my friends from Jewell were in it. I had remembered from the movie The Giant Mechanical Man (which is really good) that Jenna Fischer’s character had dreams about losing her teeth so I figured those probably had similar meanings. Anyway, basically what my dream is telling me is that I don’t have any idea of what I’m doing with my life, which is pretty accurate.

I think Derek and I have had very similar thought processes when thinking about what we want to do with our lives, except mine involve less action sports and more cupcakes. Right now I am considering becoming an Au Pair after I graduate, but I seem to change my mind every 3 days, so we’ll see if this actually sticks.

Keep it Classy.


P.S. Sorry for this insanely boring post.

P.P.S. My Venus flytrap is almost completely dead and I don’t understand because I water it all the time. I am very distraught about this.

P.P.P.S. I have been listening to a lot of San Cisco lately and I really like the song Wetsuit by the Vaccines. You should check them out.