Wednesday thief

2 Oct

I just blog when I feel like it.

Well I missed out on blogging on Friday because Moritz was here, and let’s face it, I was too busy having fun with him in London to write a blog post. And let’s also face it, Tristan isn’t going to blog because he’s promised us he would for like the past 5 weeks and he never has, so why should we believe he’s going to today?

Of course the weekend was really wonderful. You can read about it in more detail at my other blog if you want. Here’s still a few pictures though.

Saturday night we were going to go out to a club, but we started drinking rum in my room so we never ended up going. We played a reaction game on his phone, so that was really funny. Also I tried to jump on my bed and fell on the floor. I have a few bruises to show for that. Haha. Also, it was really weird sharing a tiny bed in a room with two other roommates. It was actually kind of weirder because Hanna was gone for 3 nights so then it was just us two and Megan.

We had to get up at 3:15am on Monday morning so he could get to the airport on time. I got home at 5:30 and skipped my classes and slept until noon. You see some pretty interesting things on the night bus is all I can say.

Monday I pretty much laid in bed for 5 hours until I went to Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre to see A Midsummer Night’s Dream with my theatre class. We had standing tickets, which was okay because we were super close to the stage. It was a good play because I’ve seen this one before, plus we read it in eighth grade, so I knew what was going on. It was a little long though and it was like 11:15pm by the time we got home.

Yesterday I was a little homesick for the first time really since I’ve been here. I think I was just feeling lonely since Moritz had left and it was back to school and stuff like that. This study abroad thing can be hard. It’s a dream but it also can be challenging. But I got over it pretty soon. Last night I also went to the student bar for the first time and had my favorite drink, Bacardi and pineapple juice. And then I went to the vending machine twice, and skyped with my family later.

This weekend half of my friends are going to Edinburgh, Scotland on a school trip and half are going to Dublin. I’m not going to either because I want to save money and I’m going to Dublin in 2 and a half weeks anyway. I hope I don’t get lonely but it might be nice to have a few days to myself to go out and do some photography and shopping.

Here’s some really good news for me: Carrie’s friend’s dad is coming to London over the weekend, and my mom told me that he will bring me some stuff from home that I want. For example, some t-shirts, yoga pants, and leggings. All things that for some reason I didn’t pack when I came here?? Also my black flats, which I can’t remember if we threw away before I came but I really hope not because I always need black flats and can’t find any here that I can justify spending that much money on.

I guess that’s all. I’m not feeling very good today so I was hoping this would distract me, but I have to go write a paper.


P.S. The government’s shut down and I’m a little jealous that I’m not home for that

P.P.S. Chiefs

3 Responses to “Wednesday thief”

  1. A Midwest American Girl October 2, 2013 at 10:59 am #

    I love london! Is it as pretty as they say?

  2. The Fourth Continent October 3, 2013 at 7:00 pm #

    Enjoy your study abroad, it could change your life forever!! It changed mine – loved it. I went to China and Denmark.

    I moved to Greenland for an undefined amount of time with 20 kg in my bag. There were so many things I missed – including my black ballet flats! It’s just nice to have some familiar things from home.


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