Sacker Training

3 Oct

On Wednesday I reported to my first day of work at HV. I, along with 3 other girls, sat through a quick training of what was expected from us. It included a 15ish minute video on how to do things like use the trash compactor, how to appropriately sack groceries (sacking like-items, making walls so bags don’t tip over, chicken is bagged separately) and how to appropriately take out the trash, mop messes up, get carts, etc. After that we got another quick tour of the store.

THEN, we were shoved onto the floor at the end of a lane. I don’t think I’ve been more scared in my life. I’m just kidding, but it really was kind of intimidating. Two of the girls that were new also already had previous grocery experience, so I totally felt like a newb when items were flying at me and I was trying to figure out how to sack things appropriately and not smash the customer’s produce.  I feel like sacking should be an art form. I’m not very good at it, but I think I’m kind of getting there. Maybe. So sorry if you come through my line and I accidentally squish your loaf of bread.

Two things I asked the most were probably “Is plastic alright?” and “Would you like your (beer or milk) in a sack?” I’ve found that sacking with paper is a pain, especially for someone who is pretty short and also has short arms, the sides just poke your arms. And it hurts, not going to lie. The checker guy whose lane I was sacking for finally told me there was a pull out table where I could set the bag down and it wouldn’t be as hard to sack the groceries. You could have told me earlier, bro.

Honestly though, it’s kind of a work out and I was definitely sweating around the busy rush hour. Then you get those people who have an entire cart full of things, like spilling out. That was probably the worst. The best part of the shift was probably not having to go get carts. I feel like that luck will end soon though.

Before I knew it, it had already been 5 hours. I was exhausted and more than ready to go home. I think I’ll like it there though.

Next week, I’m being cross trained in the deli. I’ll let you know how that goes.

Also worth mentioning, Buzz Beach Ball was aweeeeeeesomeeeeeeee. And everyone should see Phoenix live. And I got Lorde’s new album. Everyone should go buy that because it is the

That’s all.
Peace out, girl scouts.

PS. 49 days until LONDON!

2 Responses to “Sacker Training”

  1. chrisman2college October 4, 2013 at 1:55 pm #

    I love it that you’re working there meewano! #HV4LYFE
    Pretty soon you’ll be asking “paper or plastic?” in your sleep, and eventually you’ll ask the same customer twice, which will be embarrassing.
    And just wait until the people come through who want “plastic inside double paper inside plastic” 😉



  2. isitrealno October 7, 2013 at 12:10 am #

    Is sacking putting the groceries in bags ? I’m not used to that term lol good luck in the deli ! I used to work at a supermarket, I tended to put too much in one bag I was like oh yeah that’ll all fit, it became a bit of a game lol

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